From email to scanning a QR code and anything in between, we have plenty of options on how you can submit your Proof of Insurance.

What documentation is accepted?

A declarations page is all we need! ID cards and insurance binders are not sufficient proof and will result in a follow up call to the insurance agent to receive the declarations page. 

Ways to Submit

Scan This QR Code


Scan the above image using the camera on your mobile phone. A notification box will appear at the top of your phone where you will enter in requested information.


Text 1-865-505-7722

Text a photo of your insurance declarations page.

Call 1-800-749-5440

Call for assistance in providing your proof of insurance. 


If you received a letter, go to Here you will need the loan and reference number listed on the letter.


Email your declarations page to


Fax your declarations page to (865) 470-8805


Postal Mail

Insurance Service Center
PO Box 5700
Knoxville, TN 37928